From our stunning Hartham Park projects to day-to-day operations at Hartham Park; discover the beauty of our iconic stone.
To inspire and to inform - from the block to the end product. Our stone, your project.
Scala building in Bath built in Hartham sawn, split & tumbled building stone.
Women in Natural Stone South West networking event
Harley House, London, built in Hartham Park Bath Stone
Lovell Stone Group lorry collecting block from Hartham Park
Electric Fantini saw underground with operator
Melksham Community Campus, Wiltshire
Old workings, dating back to 1810, discovered at Hartham Park
The Olivier Hall, St Edward's School, Oxford
Scoop tram underground removing block stone
Royal Brighton Pavilion, Jali screens
The Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association, 2023 Conference visit
Gloucester Bus Station
Our team at Hartham Park mine
Bath Stone internal flooring
15ft bath stone block being winched to the surface
Holburne Park development, Bath
The Whittle Building, University of Cambridge
St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds
Internal fireplace, Hartham Park T2 Basebed
Ball Finial
Conservation & restoration
St Edward's School, The Christie Centre
We are part of Lovell Stone Group
Family Run
Let us help specify Hartham Park Bath Stone for your project. Call or email for expert advice...